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Advanced React JS Programming
Learn Advanced React JS techniques to build an efficient and dynamic UI. Get Certified with YourEngineer and Earn a Badge by passing Skill Quiz.
★★★★★ 4.6 877 ratings
Price: ₹299/- ₹2000/-
★★★★★ 4.6 877 ratings
Price: ₹299/- ₹2000/-
23,376 already enrolled

What will you learn
- How to create unique, dynamic and interactive UI with React Js
- Class Component and Functional Component to create dynamic views in Application.
- Advanced React concept like Hooks, Routing and styling with Material UI
- One Hands-on project to put all your learnings to build dynamic and responsive website.
- Shareable Badge and Certificate
- Intermediate
- 120 Hrs to complete
- Computer Science
Working Capstone Project
Within course you will get a lot of Hands-on Practice and assignments, which you can practice and test your skill. In the end of the course you will get a full application running on React Js named Eshop: An E-commerce Website.
Certification and Badge
After completion of the course and all the quizzes, you will be awarded with a professional certificate and a shareable badge; also get access to our job section where you can find suitable job.

Topics covered in Advanced React JS
The whole specialization course will be divided in three sections HTML and CSS, JavaScript, React Js
Section I : HTML and CSS
- Introduction to HTML
- Basic structure of HTML page
- Forms in HTML
- Input and Label element in HTML
- Table in HTML
- Anchor Element in HTML
- Adding Multimedia as Image, audio, video through HTML
- List Elements in HTML
- Character Entities
- Semantic HTML
- Introduction to CSS
- CSS Selectors and Types
- Pseudo Classes and Elements
- Units in CSS
- Box model in CSS (Margin, Padding, border)
- CSS positioning
- Flexbox in CSS
- CSS Grids
- Transformatios and Transiions in CSS
- Animation in CSS
- Media Queries in CSS
Section II : Web Programming with JavaScript
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Variable and Datatype
- Operators in JavaScript
- Conditional Statement in JavaScript
- Function Declaration in JavaScript
- Arrow Function
- Variable Scope in JavaScript
- OOP in JavaScript
- Array in JavaScript
- String in JavaScript
- Date Object in JavaScript
- BuiltIn Function in JavaScript
- Object Literals
- Class in JavaScript
- Regex in JavaScript
- Error Handling in JavaScript
- Asynchronous JavaScript
- Callback, Async and Await in Javascript
Section III : FrontEnd Development with React Js
- Introduction To React and Why it Required
- How to start with React App
- Components in React JS
- Functional Component
- Class Component
- JSX in React JS
- Props in React JS
- State in React JS
- setState and How it works
- De-Structuring of Props and State
- Fragments in React JS
- Event Handling in React JS
- Event Binding in React JS
- Props as a method
- Conditional Rendering in React JS
- HTTP request/Call to Backend, GET request using AXIOS
- List Rendering in React JS
- Form Handling in React JS
- Component Lifecycle Method
- Introduction to React Hooks
- useState and useEffect Hooks
- Routing in React JS
- Styling in React JS using Material UI
Course Outcome
By the end of this course you will be able to
- Code and build unique UI with React Js
- Connect Frontend application to backend server
- Apply the concept of Routing to create link for better SEO
- Crack any interview based on JavaScript

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