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- GATE Exam Preparation
- GATE AE 2025/26/27 Self-Preparatory Course
- 7 Sections
- 97 Lessons
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- Engineering Mathematics19
- 2.1EM Lecture 1: Functions, Limit, Continuity, Differentiability and Mean Value Theorems
- 2.2EM Lecture 2: Differentiation, Application of Derivatives, Partial Differentiation
- 2.3EM Lecture 3: Definite and Indefinite Integration
- 2.4EM Lecture 4: Doubt Session, Vector Differentiation – Gradient, Divergence and Curl
- 2.5EM Lecture 5: Vector Integration
- 2.6EM Lecture 6: Ordinary Differential Equation Lecture 1
- 2.7EM Lecture 7: Ordinary Differential Equation Lecture 2
- 2.8EM Lecture 8: Partial Differential Equations, Fourier Series
- 2.9EM Lecture 9: Laplace Transforms, Inverse Laplace Transforms
- 2.10EM Lecture 10: Linear Algebra – Determinant of a Matrix
- 2.11EM Lecture 11: Linear Algebra – Inverse of Matrix, Rank of a Matrix
- 2.12EM Lecture 12: Linear Algebra – Solution of Linear Equations
- 2.13EM Lecture 13: Linear Algebra – Eigen Values, Eigen Vectors, Cayley Hamilton Theorem
- 2.14EM Lecture 14: Numerical Methods: Solution to Algebraic and Transcendental Equations
- 2.15EM Lecture 15: Numerical Methods: Solution to System of Linear Equations and Solution to Integration
- 2.16EM Lecture 16: Numerical Methods: Solution to Differential Equations
- 2.17EM Lecture 17: Statistics
- 2.18EM Lecture 18: Probability
- 2.19EM Lecture 19: Complex Analysis
- Aerodynamics25
- 3.1AD Lecture 1: Basics of Aerodynamics
- 3.3AD Lecture 2: Aerodynamic Forces and Moments
- 3.5AD Lecture 3: Dimensional Analysis and Flow Similarity
- 3.6AD Lecture 4: Continuity Equation, Flow Lines
- 3.7AD Lecture 5: Momentum Equation
- 3.8AD Lecture 6: Basics of Thermodynamics and Energy Equation
- 3.9AD Lecture 7: Substantial Derivative, Vorticity, Circulation, Kelvin Circulation Theorem
- 3.10AD Lesson 8: Biot Savart law, Helmholtz Theorem, Stream Function, Complex Potential Function
- 3.11AD Lecture 9: Uniform Flow, Source/Sink Flow, Vortex Flow, Half Rankine Oval
- 3.12AD Lecture 10: Full Rankine Oval, Source Sink Doublet, Vortex Doublet, Summary
- 3.13AD Lecture 11: Stationary and Rotating Cylinder, Lift and Drag on Cylinder
- 3.14AD Lecture 12: External Viscous Flow, Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate, Von Karman Integral
- 3.15AD Lecture 13: Internal Viscous Flow, General 2D Flow, Couette Flow
- 3.16AD Lecture 14: Poiseuille’s Flow, Free and Forced Vortex Concepts
- 3.17AD Lecture 15: Airfoil and its Nomenclature
- 3.18AD Lecture 16: Thin Airfoil Theory
- 3.19AD Lecture 17: Prandtl’s Finite Wing Theory, Induced Drag
- 3.20AD Lecture 18: Gas Dynamics, Compressible Flow & Characteristic Mach Number
- 3.21AD Lecture 19: Introduction to Shock Waves, Normal Shock Wave
- 3.22AD Lecture 20: Oblique Shock Waves and Expansion Waves
- 3.23AD Lecture 21: Nozzles and Diffusers Part I
- 3.24AD Lecture 22: Nozzles and Diffusers Part II
- 3.25AD Lecture 23: Linear Theory for Compressible Flow
- 3.26AD Lecture 24: Prandtl Glauert Correction, Critical Mach Number
- 3.27AD Lecture 25: Drag Divergence Mach Number, Fanno Flow, Rayleigh Flow, Wind Tunnel Testing
- Aircraft Structures20
- 4.1AS Lecture 1: Basics of Structures, Introduction to Elasticity
- 4.2AS Lecture 2: Equilibrium Equations, Stress Strain Relations in 3D, Compliance Matrix
- 4.3AS Lecture 3: Plane Stress, Plane Strain, Compatibility Equations
- 4.4AS Lecture 4: Airy Stress Equation, Problems on GATE
- 4.5AS Lecture 5: Stresses in Inclined Plane, Principal Stresses
- 4.6AS Lecture 6: Bending, Types of Support, Types of Beam, Types of Loads, Moment of Inertia
- 4.7AS Lecture 7: Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram Part 1
- 4.8AS Lecture 8: Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram Part 2
- 4.9AS Lecture 9: Beam Theory, Moment of Inertia
- 4.10AS Lecture 10: Beam Theory: Slope and Deflection
- 4.11AS Lecture 11: Horizontal Shear, Strain Energy, Castigliano Theorem
- 4.12AS Lecture 12: Buckling in Columns
- 4.13AS Lecture 13: Torsion for Any Cross Section, Torsion in Thin Sheets
- 4.14AS Lecture 14: Torsion in Thin Closed Arbitrary Shells, Multicell Sections
- 4.15AS Lecture 15: Theories of Failure, Factor of Safely, Ultimate Loads
- 4.16AS Lecture 16: Aircraft Structures and Materials, Loads on Aircraft
- 4.17AS Lecture 17: Vibration Part 1
- 4.18AS Lecture 18: Vibration Part 2
- 4.19AS Lecture 19: Vibration Part 3
- 4.20AS Lecture 20: Vibrations Part 4
- Flight Mechanics and Control15
- 5.1FM Lecture 1: Flight Mechanics Introduction and Standard Atmosphere
- 5.2FM Lecture 2: Some Basic Aspects and Equation of Motion
- 5.3FM Lecture 3: Thrust Required, Thrust Available, Power Required, Power Available, Altitude Effects
- 5.4FM Lecture 4: Climb and Descent Rate, Range and Endurance of Propeller Aircraft
- 5.5FM Lecture 5: Range and Endurance for Jet Engines, Takeoff and Landing Performance
- 5.6FM Lecture 6: Turning Flight, V-n Diagram, Accelerated Rate of Climb
- 5.7FM Lecture 7: Stability Basics, Absolute Angle of Attack, Moments on Aircraft
- 5.8FM Lecture 8: Longitudinal Static Stability, Contribution of Wing and Tail to Mcg
- 5.9FM Lecture 9: Total Pitching Moment about Centre of Gravity, Neutral Point, Static Margin
- 5.10FM Lecture 10: Static Longitudinal Control: Elevator
- 5.11FM Lecture 11: Stick Free Static Longitudinal Stability, Hinge Moment
- 5.12FM Lecture 12: Aircraft Performance Practice Questions
- 5.13FM Lecture 13: Aircraft Stability Practice Questions
- 5.14FM Lecture 14: Lateral and Directional Stability
- 5.15FM Lecture 15: Dynamic Stability
- Aircraft Propulsion12
- 6.1AP Lecture 1: Aircraft Propulsion: Introduction, Thrust, Efficiencies
- 6.2AP Lecture 2: Specific Impulse, Range, Gas Turbine Basics
- 6.3AP Lecture 3: Ideal Cycle Jet Engine Analysis
- 6.4AP Lecture 4: Turbojet, Turbofan, Ramjet Engine Analysis
- 6.5AP Lecture 5: Ramjet Analysis, Working and Characteristics
- 6.6AP Lecture 6: Turbo Machinery Part 1
- 6.7AP Lecture 7: Turbo Machinery Part 2
- 6.8AP Lecture 8: Turbo Machinery Part 3
- 6.9AP Lecture 9: Turbo Machinery Part 4
- 6.10AP Lecture 10: Combustion Chamber and its characteristics
- 6.11AP Lecture 11: Rocket Propulsion Part 1
- 6.12AP Lecture 12: Rocket Propulsion Part 2
- Space Mechanics1
- General Aptitude5
English and Reasoning Part 4